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Refund Policy

Refund Delivery Policy - Credit Balances

The university prefers that all refunds to students be delivered via electronic fund transfer (E-Refund). Students should enroll in E-Refund at least 10 days before the first scheduled disbursement.

  • Financial aid refunds are processed weekly after the 100% drop period of the start of a term. Federal regulations require that excess be disbursed within 14 days from when funds are credited to the student's account (not when awarded).
  • Students will be notified via email when an E-Refund has been disbursed. Students should allow at least 24 hours for the funds to be credited to their bank account.
  • Students can set up E-Refund by following these steps:
    • Visit Student Finance Self-Service (accessed through the dashboard)
    • Select "Make Payment/Confirm"
    • Click "Continue to Payment Center"
    • Click "I Agree"
    • Select "Electronic Refunds" followed by "Set Up Account" and select "Account Type"
      • After completion of the two-step verification you will receive a message stating your information has been saved

Students who do not enroll in E-Refund

The financial aid refund will be disbursed by check. The check will be mailed to the student's preferred mailing address as indicated in university records. If a mailed check is not received at the preferred address, there is a 10 business day waiting period before a replacement check can be issued.

Disbursements can be checked by visiting:

  • Student Finance Self-Service (accessed through the dashboard)
  • Then "Account Activity" 

Estimated financial aid is considered pending aid and is not subject to refund until finalized.
